Sujet :

Us Staffs.

   Posté le 08-05-2006 ŕ 04:04:21   

First of all, if you think this website is a Fake, you can leave, and close this page... We do not oblige you at using this exploit.

I doesn't go explain to you in detail this exploit that my team discovered because I think, lot of ppl has never encoded language visual basic or C++, and our goal is not that, But just give to you and reveal this exploit.

I repeat, our goal is not to hacker your computer [...], our team is a staff of developper & cracker of games video for free gaming. (If u remember in Css (Version Cracked Emporio), this staff work with us now.

I repeat again, This Exploit is not a Cheat, Its only exploit in this game.... and so as C.I.B will not have corrected it, it will exist again.

Thx you.
